Career Ladder Identifier and Financial Forecaster (CLIFF) Training
Shows the short-term impact of an income change on government assistance receipt
Hours worked, hourly rate of pay, and other types of income can be adjusted in a comparison view
Screens for potential eligiblity
Shows how benefits cliffs affect local in-demand occupations
Shows local in-demand occupations in relation to cost of living
Estimates net return to the taxpayer from career advancement
Complements labor market information given to workers for career exploration by showing: earnings and earnings growth; self-sufficiency/cost of living earnings amount; public assistance losses
Compares up to two careers at the same time (including current job)
Shows benefits cliffs/plateaus tailored to a client’s unique circumstances (asset tests, expenses, family composition)
Creates a budget with a client’s expenses while in training and beyond
Adjusts budget with public assistance and other financial supports to mitigate cliffs